Composition of Collections
●Total Number of Books: 273,213 Items
In Western Languagues: 228,675 Items
In South & Southeast Asian Languages: approx. 100,000 Items
In Japanese, Korean & Chinese Languages: 44,538 Items
●Total Number of Periodicals: 7,873 Titles
In Western languages: 6,631 Titles
In Japanese, Korean and Chinese languages: 1,242 Titles
(Last updated in March 2024)
Category of Items
Items in Southeast Asian Languages

CSEAS Library holds more than 100,000 items written in Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese and Burmese and other languages in Southeast Asia. Including vernaculars, our collection is consisted from more than forty languages. This is the largest collection for Southeast Asian Studies in Japan.
Please refer to the following list of CSEAS Burmese Books Collections.
●Burmese books List (sorted by topic)
●Burmese books List (sorted by title)
Our periodical collections, published from colonial period to present, deal with the fields of politics, economy, history and society in Southeast Asia and its neighboring region. Please refer to the list (Last updated in January 2024) for checking our continuous-subscribing journals.
Total Number: 1,466 Titles (731 for Reel Type, 735 for Fiche Type)
MF-Monograph: 6,391 Items
MF-Newspaper: 5,785 Items
MF-Periodical: 2,714 Items
MF-S: Statistics: 1,541 Items
Total Number of Items: 16,431
(Last updated in February 2020)
Please refer to the following list of CSEAS Microfilm(s)/fiche(s) Collections.
●Microfilm(s)/fiche(s) List (Last updated in August 2023)
●Microfilm(s)/fiche(s) Call No. example

※【New】Call No. system is applied from 2021 onwards.

The library holds Statistics collection, mainly in the field of economics, compiled by state organizations in Southeast Asia as well as international organizations. Especially for Indonesian and Thai studies, the library collects regional and industry-classified Statistics.
MA and PhD theses submitted to Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies are in this holding. Please refer to the list for further information.
Electronics Resources (Database, EJ, E-Book)
Our two databases are for the periodicals published in Southeast Asia (open access) and for e-journals and e-resources owned by Kyoto University.
Media Materials

Only CSEAS members can available.
Please refer to the following list of media materials such as optical discs.
●Media Materials List (Last updated in August 2024)
Special Collections
The titles of our four special collections are Charas, Foronda, Ocampo and Ishii. The library is now collecting Islam-related items in Indonesia.
Area Studies Collections
The library also holds some items for area studies collected from outside Southeast Asia.